Search results for ' Biblical'

Now showing: When Jesus came to India

Now showing: When Jesus came to India

Rediff.com23 May 2012

Playwright Lloyd Suh's new play Jesus In India gives an account of Jesus Christ's India sojourn between the ages of 18 and 30.

Gay relationship like marriage, says UK archbishop

Gay relationship like marriage, says UK archbishop

Rediff.com7 Aug 2008

"I concluded that an active sexual relationship between two people of the same sex might therefore reflect the love of god in a way comparable to marriage, if and only if it had about it the same character of absolute covenanted faithfulness," said Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.

Uproar over US governor participating in 'bhumi-pujan'

Uproar over US governor participating in 'bhumi-pujan'

Rediff.com2 Nov 2011

The Republican challenger David Williams in the 'Bible Belt' US state of Kentucky, has accused Democratic Governor Steve Beshear, who participated in a Hindu-style groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a $180 million manufacturing plant creating more than 250 jobs in this economically depressed state, as an idol-worshipper and anti-Christian.

If I were RBI governor...

If I were RBI governor...

Rediff.com30 Apr 2008

Writer Jamal Mecklai muses about the state of mind of the RBI governor, post the credit policy. He gets into the mind of the governor and tries to guage his thoughts and reactions. Against all anticipation, the governor did not bow down to political pressure and the RBI rates were not hiked. He did a fine balancing acting between the two volatile factors -- market and the govt. He leaves the task of choosing between sub 5% inflation rate and 10+% growth rate to his successor.

India, US and Saudi Arabia: The 'new' great game!

India, US and Saudi Arabia: The 'new' great game!

Rediff.com27 Jun 2012

Does the deportation of 26/11 prime accused Abu Jundal/Abu Hamza/Zabiuddin Ansari by Saudi Arabia signal a tectonic shift in India's Middle-East policy? Colonel (retd) Anil Athale tries to explain.

Hollywood actor Charlton Heston dead

Hollywood actor Charlton Heston dead

Rediff.com7 Apr 2008

Heston rose to fame in the 1950s with starring in movies like Ben Hur, for which he won an Oscar. He played Moses in the Ten Commandments. Known for his political activism, Heston was a high-profile supporter of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. He was also President of the National Rifle Association from 1998 to 2002.

Dabur sues school over tree trademark

Dabur sues school over tree trademark

Rediff.com14 Dec 2006

Although the school, through an oral submission, defended the use of the banyan tree, it has not been able to convince Justice Pradeep Nandrajog, who is hearing the case.

Kerala MP P C Thomas disqualified

Kerala MP P C Thomas disqualified

Rediff.com31 Oct 2006

The court granted a one-month stay on the operation of the judgment to enable Thomas to file an appeal.

Leo DiCaprio loves Taxi Driver

Leo DiCaprio loves Taxi Driver

Rediff.com21 Sep 2006

Will CWG failure be Manmohan Singh's legacy?

Will CWG failure be Manmohan Singh's legacy?

Rediff.com23 Sep 2010

From this point it really doesn't matter whether Sheila Dixit or Suresh Kalmadi retain their jobs or M S Gill and Jaipal Reddy must also bear equal responsibility. The damage has been done, says M K Bhadrakumar.

The US model: Don't follow it blindly!

The US model: Don't follow it blindly!

Rediff.com30 Sep 2009

We need to be careful not to confuse financial market reform with following the US model of regulation, if finance is to remain a servant, not master, of the real economy, says A V Rajwade.

Bombay Dreams director dead

Bombay Dreams director dead

Rediff.com19 Feb 2007

Director of Bombay Dreams musical dies of lung cancer.

Mel Gibson vs Michael Moore!

Mel Gibson vs Michael Moore!

Rediff.com3 Feb 2005

Peter Ustinov dead

Peter Ustinov dead

Rediff.com29 Mar 2004

Mel's passion for the Christ

Mel's passion for the Christ

Rediff.com16 Jan 2004

Saddam's execution: What next?

Saddam's execution: What next?

Rediff.com2 Jan 2007

While the chances of an Al Qaeda-mounted operation outside Iraq to avenge Saddam's execution are thus minimal, there is a greater danger of individual Muslims in the overseas diaspora carrying out acts of terrorism to avenge his execution

It's festival time in Toronto!

It's festival time in Toronto!

Rediff.com25 Jun 2003

Stocking in on art

Stocking in on art

Rediff.com14 Nov 2004

Where is the soul in Passion?

Where is the soul in Passion?

Rediff.com25 Feb 2004

Khost deaths: A point of inflexion in Obama's war?

Khost deaths: A point of inflexion in Obama's war?

Rediff.com20 Jan 2010

Ever since President Obama unveiled his timetable for an American pull-out, the Taliban and the Al Qaeda have gone from strength to strength -- they are winning the psychological war.

'Write with honesty and for yourself first'

'Write with honesty and for yourself first'

Rediff.com27 Aug 2007

Advaita Kala shares some tips on how to get published.

Column: The year in retrospect

Column: The year in retrospect

Rediff.com9 Dec 2005

Why a film on skinheads now?

Why a film on skinheads now?

Rediff.com13 Feb 2004

'Lord Krishna existed. School texts are wrong'

'Lord Krishna existed. School texts are wrong'

Rediff.com29 Aug 2009

A UK-based nuclear medicine doctor presents his case on the existence of Lord Krishna in a documentary.

Anger, tears as troops clear Gaza

Anger, tears as troops clear Gaza

Rediff.com17 Aug 2005

'Excellent chemistry between Jesse & Shriya'

'Excellent chemistry between Jesse & Shriya'

Rediff.com22 Oct 2008

Producer Ashok Amritraj discusses his new film with Arthur J Pais.

Visiting the temple cities of Tamil Nadu

Visiting the temple cities of Tamil Nadu

Rediff.com18 Feb 2008

A profusion of religious architecture spreads over an ancient agrarian landscape in Tamil Nadu, the deep south of India. Guy Trebay takes it in.

Tips on how to keep burglars away

Tips on how to keep burglars away

Rediff.com17 May 2007

It's the age of insecurity, but, thankfully, also the age of smart technology

Blank checks in the bad debt rules

Blank checks in the bad debt rules

Rediff.com8 May 2003

'Terrorism is older than Islam'

'Terrorism is older than Islam'

Rediff.com31 Jul 2006

'Terrorism itself is as old as the human species; it goes back at least as far as the biblical story of Cain and Abel. Terrorism is much older than Islam, or Christianity.'

Cancel the Sharon visit!

Cancel the Sharon visit!

Rediff.com3 Sep 2003

'The Vajpayee government is bringing ignominy and shame upon itself by honouring a fanatical leader like Mr Sharon.'

Have a safe year!

Have a safe year!

Rediff.com27 Dec 2003

You have to live to drive, says Bijoy Kumar Y.